Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Okay, so hopefully the third time is the charm with this whole blogging thing! I've tried to do it in the past and just failed miserably because I'm the worst at keeping up with this stuff. But lately I have been on the DIY wagon and even though I'm no Martha Stuart I have to say I'm doing pretty well with my projects. My mom convinced me I should make a blog and show people (people like me) who think DIY projects are too overwhelming. I obviously spend too much time on Pinterest and always find the cutest projects to do but I would never do them because I either didn't think I was crafty enough or didn't want to spend the money (haha I'm a college student attending a private university...aka I always feel like I'm broke). So hopefully I'll be able to share some insight with other people who feel the same way I did. Granted I've only done a few projects so here's to not giving up on my next one!! -k

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